Virtual Institute — High Productivity Supercomputing


DOE (2009 - 2013)

This project pursues the goal of reengineering core components in the two performance-analysis systems TAU and Scalasca for evolution to petascale and beyond. Building on a long history of interaction between the two projects, the two key activities are 1) refactoring certain TAU and Scalasca components for core code sharing, and 2) integrating their functionality more effectively through data interfaces, formats, and utilities. The impact of this work will be realized in use of the performance tools in important DOE scientific codes as well as in codes deployed at the Jülich large-scale facility both to test the efficacy of the approach and to improve the performance at extreme scale.

The PRIMA project is carried out in close cooperation with SILC, a collaborative project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, and its successor LMAC. The joint goal of these projects is the development and evolution of a common measurement infrastructure called Score-P, which supports the performance-analysis tools Periscope, Scalasca, Vampir, and Tau. The added value of Score-P will be:

  • Simplified installation of the tool suite by replacing multiple incompatible measurement infrastructures with a uniform system
  • Improved interoperability among the tools through common data formats
  • Reduced tool development effort and higher quality through sharing of resources. Manpower allocated for performance measurement will be redirected to analysis functionality or evolution towards exascale

In addition to work on various instrumentation components, major contributions of PRIMA to Scope-P include the run-time profiling system, support for the TAU instrumentor, the TAU adapter interface, binary instrumentation, and support for the CUBE-4 profiling format. A future milestone is the integration of graphical analysis interfaces into Eclipse.


In January 2012, Score-P version 1.0 was released. Please visit the Score-P homepage to download the latest version, which is available under the New BSD Open Source license.



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