Virtual Institute — High Productivity Supercomputing


BMBF (2022 - 2025)

Energieeffiziente Klimasimulationen auf heterogenen Supercomputern durch Co-Design

Energy-Efficient Climate Predictions (EECliPs)

Computer-aided climate research contributes to a better understanding of climate change and its effects. This involves the use of state-of-the-art high-performance computers, the operation of which requires a great deal of energy. To ensure that these points do not conflict, the EECliPs project aims to define highly heterogeneous HPC hardware to make climate simulations more energy efficient. The goal of the project is to significantly increase the efficiency and quality of climate simulations. For this purpose, the different components of the Earth system model ICON will be investigated. It will be evaluated to what extent a parallel execution of the individual components can be realized in order to reduce the computing time and improve the simulation result. In addition, individual code sequences will be optimized with respect to their energy consumption. In the project, the necessary indicators will be defined and corresponding measurement tools will be developed to enable stable and parallel execution. The optimization of components with different properties and functions is the prerequisite to efficiently use powerful heterogeneous supercomputers.



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