(2008 - 2010)
The POINT project for Productivity from Open, Integrated Tools has similar goals to VI-HPS, and complementary activities in deploying an integrated performance tools environment for NSF-funded HPC centres, such as TeraGrid sites in the USA.
- University of Oregon
- University of Tennessee at Knoxville
- National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)
POINT provides the PerfSuite and TAU tools, which can interoperate with VI-HPS tools Scalasca and Vampir:
- PerfSuite can generate profile analysis reports for examination and processing with Scalasca/CUBE3, in addition to TAU/ParaProf.
- TAU instrumenter can link Scalasca and VampirTrace measurement libraries, PDT can be used for selective source-level Scalasca & VampirTrace instrumentation, and its ParaProf browser can present Scalasca analysis reports.
- OPARI provided by Scalasca is also used by TAU and VampirTrace for processing OpenMP and POMP directives into instrumentation calls.
- Scalasca trace experiment archives can be interactively visualized by Vampir (with or without file conversion).
- All of the tools can include hardware counter metrics provided by the PAPI library in their measurements and analyses.
Several joint POINT/VI-HPS tutorials and hands-on workshops have already taken place and further are planned: see Training for details. These feature exercises using a Linux LiveDVD with a typical HPC development environment for MPI and/or OpenMP containing all of the POINT & VI-HPS tools (also available as an ISO disk image for download).