31st VI-HPS Tuning Workshop (UTK-ICL, Knoxville/TN, USA)
Tuesday 9th - Friday 12th April 2019
The workshop will take place at the Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL) at the University of Tennessee (UTK), Claxton Building, Suite 206, 1122 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA.
This workshop organized by VI-HPS will:
- give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite
- explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively
- offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools
Programme Overview
Presentations and hands-on sessions are planned on the following topics:
- TAU performance system
- Score-P instrumentation and measurement infrastructure
- Scalasca automated trace analysis toolset
- Vampir interactive trace analysis toolset
- MAQAO binary analysis & optimization tool
- MAP+PR profiling and performance reports
- Paraver trace analysis tool
- Dimemas performance prediction tool
- ... and probably others
A brief overview of the capabilities of these and associated tools is provided in the VI-HPS Tools Guide.
The workshop will run from 09:00 to not later than 18:00 each day, with breaks for provided lunch and refreshments. Breakfast will also be offered from 08:00 to 09:00 each morning. Participants are encouraged to prepare their own MPI, OpenMP and hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel application codes for analysis.
Day 1: | Tuesday 9 April | |
08:00 | (breakfast) | |
09:00 | Welcome
10:30 | (break) | |
10:45 | TAU performance system [Sameer Shende, UOregon]
12:00 | (lunch) | |
13:00 | Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). | |
17:30 | (adjourn) | |
Day 2: | Wednesday 10 April | |
08:00 | (breakfast) | |
09:00 | Score-P instrumentation & measurement toolset [Frank Winkler, TUDresden]
10:30 | (break) | |
10:45 | Scalasca automated trace analysis [Brian Wylie, JSC] |
12:00 | (lunch) | |
13:00 | Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). | |
17:30 | (adjourn) | |
Day 3: | Thursday 11 April | |
08:00 | (breakfast) | |
09:00 | MAQAO performance analysis tools [Emmanuel Oseret & Cédric Valensi, UVSQ]
10:30 | (break) | |
10:45 | FORGE MAP & performance reports [Nick Forrington, ARM]
12:00 | (lunch) | |
13:00 | Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). | |
17:30 | (adjourn) | |
Day 4: | Friday 12 April | |
08:00 | (breakfast) | |
09:00 | BSC tracing tools suite [Judit Giménez & German Llort, BSC]
10:30 | (break) | |
10:45 | Caliper performance analysis toolbox in a library [David Böhme, LLNL]
12:00 | (lunch) | |
13:00 | Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). | |
17:30 | (adjourn) |
Hardware and Software Platforms
Stampede2: 4,200 Intel Xeon Phi 7250 ("Knights Landing") 1.4 GHz 68-core processors with 4-way SMT and 96 GB DDR4 plus 16 GB high-speed MCDRAM per node; 1,736 dual Intel Xeon Platinum 8160 ("Skylake") 2.1 GHz 24-core processors with 2-way SMT and 192 GB DDR4 RAM per node; Intel Omni-Path network, Lustre parallel filesystem; Intel MPI and MVAPICH2, Intel and GCC compilers.
Stampede2 is the primary platform for the workshop. Course accounts will be provided during the workshop to participants. Other systems where up-to-date versions of the tools are installed can also be used when preferred, though support may be limited and participants are expected to already possess user accounts. Regardless of whichever systems they intend to use, participants should be familiar with the relevant procedures for compiling and running their parallel applications (via batch queues where appropriate).
Participants are expected to bring and use their own notebook computers with SSH and X11 software configured to connect to the HPC systems and run interactive graphical tools.
Workshop registration is required by 2nd April 2019 via the local registration site.
Blocks of rooms have been reserved for workshop participants, with special rates available until 25th March or until the group block is sold-out (whichever comes first).
- 8 to 13 April at the Hilton Knoxville Downtown
501 West Church Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902-2591
Reserve with Group Name VI-HPS and Group Code UTWS. - 8 to 12 April at the Four Points by Sheraton Cumberland House Hotel
1109 White Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37916
Reserve with Group Name VI-HPS.
Tracy Rafferty
Business Manager, ICL
Phone: +1 (865) 974-8295
Email: rafferty@icl.utk.edu
Heike Jagode
Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL)
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Phone: +1 (865) 974-8057
Email: jagode@icl.utk.edu
Brian Wylie
Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Phone: +49 2461 61-6589
Email: b.wylie@fz-juelich.de