Virtual Institute — High Productivity Supercomputing


Extra-P is an automatic performance-modeling tool that supports the user in the identification of scalability bugs. A scalability bug is a part of the program whose scaling behavior is unintentionally poor, that is, much worse than expected. A performance model is a formula that expresses a performance metric of interest such as execution time or energy consumption as a function of one or more execution parameters such as the size of the input problem or the number of processors.

Extra-P uses measurements of various performance metrics at different execution configurations as input to generate performance models of code regions (including their calling context) as a function of the execution parameters. All it takes to search for scalability issues even in full-blown codes is to run a manageable number of small-scale performance experiments, launch Extra-P, and compare the asymptotic or extrapolated performance of the worst instances to the expectations.

Extra-P generates not only a list of potential scalability bugs but also human-readable models for all performance metrics available such as floating-point operations or bytes sent by MPI calls that can be further analyzed and compared to identify the root causes of scalability issues.

Programming models

MPI and OpenMP


Open source: New BSD


Technical University of Darmstadt in collaboration with ETH Zurich


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