Virtual Institute — High Productivity Supercomputing

45th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop (LRZ, Garching, Germany)


Monday 10th - Thursday 13th June 2024


The workshop will take place at LRZ, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre on the university campus Garching near Munich, Germany.

Organising Institutions



This workshop organised by VI-HPS and LRZ will:

  • give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite
  • explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively
  • offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools

On completion participants should be familiar with common performance analysis and diagnosis techniques and how they can be employed in practice (on a range of HPC systems). Those who prepared their own application test cases will have been coached in the tuning of their measurement and analysis, and provided optimization suggestions.

Programme Overview

Presentations and hands-on sessions are planned on the following topics:

A brief overview of the capabilities of these and associated tools is provided in the VI-HPS Tools Guide.

The workshop will be held in English and run from 09:00 to not later than 18:00 each day, with breaks for lunch and refreshments.

A social event for participant and instructor networking is planned for the evening on Wednesday 12 June, consisting of a self-paid dinner at the Gasthof Neuwirt.

Participants are encouraged to prepare their own MPI, OpenMP and hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel application codes for analysis.

TW45@LRZ social event group

Programme in Detail (provisional) - all times given as CEST (UTC+2)

Day 1: Monday 10 June
09:00 Welcome [Volker Weinberg, LRZ]
  • Workshop agenda [Cédric Valensi, UVSQ]
  • Introduction to VI-HPS & overview of tools
  • Introduction to parallel performance engineering
  • Building and running NPB/BT-MZ on CooLMUC2 [Ilya Zhukov, JSC]
  • 10:30 (break)
    11:00 Callgrind/kCachegrind cache utilisation analysis [Josef Weidendorfer, LRZ]
  • Hands-on exercises
  • 12:30 (lunch)
    14:00 Caliper performance analysis toolbox in a library [David Böhme, LLNL]
    Coccinelle semantic patching of C programs [Michele Martone, LRZ]
    15:30 (break)
    16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Callgrind & Caliper to analyze participants' own code(s).
    17:30 (adjourn)
    Day 2: Tuesday 11 June
    09:00 Linaro Forge profiling and performance reports [Rudy Shand, Linaro]
  • Linaro Forge hands-on exercises
  • 10:30 (break)
    11:00 MAQAO performance analysis framework [Cédric Valensi, Emmanuel Oseret & Hugo Bolloré, UVSQ]
  • MAQAO hands-on exercises (MAQAO quick reference)
  • 12:30 (lunch)
    14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Linaro Tools & MAQAO to analyze participants' own code(s).
    15:30 (break)
    16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Linaro Tools & MAQAO to analyze participants' own code(s).
    17:30 Guided Tour of LRZ Compute Cubes
    18:30 (adjourn)
    Day 3: Wednesday 12 June
    09:00 Score-P instrumentation & measurement toolset overview [Ilya Zhukov, Jan André Reuter & Brian Wylie, JSC]
  • Score-P hands-on exercises
  • CUBE profile explorer
  • Score-P specialized instrumentation and measurement [Ilya Zhukov, Jan André Reuter & Brian Wylie, JSC]
    10:30 (break)
    11:00 Scalasca automated trace analysis [Ilya Zhukov, Jan André Reuter & Brian Wylie, JSC]
  • Scalasca hands-on exercises
  • mpiP lightweight MPI profiling [Amir Raoofy, LRZ]
    12:30 (lunch)
    14:00 Extra-P automated performance modeling [Alexander Geiß, TUD]
    Hands-on coaching to apply Score-P/Scalasca, mpiP and Extra-P to analyze participants' own code(s).
    15:30 (break)
    16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply Score-P/Scalasca, mpiP and Extra-P to analyze participants' own code(s).
    17:30 (adjourn)
    18:30 Social Event Gasthof Neuwirt
    Day 4: Thursday 13 June
    09:00 BSC performance tools [Germán Llort & Lau Mercadal, BSC]
  • BSC tools hands-on exercises
  • 10:30 (break)
    11:00 TAU performance system [Sameer Shende, UOregon]
  • TAU hands-on exercises
  • Review [Cédric Valensi, UVSQ]
    12:30 (lunch)
    14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply BSC tools & TAU to analyze participants' own code(s).
    15:30 (break)
    16:00 Hands-on coaching to apply BSC tools & TAU to analyze participants' own code(s).
    17:30 (adjourn)

    Hardware and Software Platforms

    CooLMUC2: Haswell-based x86 Linux cluster system:

    • 28-way Haswell-based compute nodes and FDR14 Infiniband interconnect, used for both serial and parallel processing

    The local HPC system CooLMUC2 is the primary platform for the workshop and will be used for the hands-on exercises. Course accounts will be provided during the workshop to participants without existing accounts. Other systems where up-to-date versions of the tools are installed can also be used when preferred, though support may be limited and participants are expected to already possess user accounts on non-local systems. Regardless of whichever systems they intend to use, participants should be familiar with the relevant procedures for compiling and running their parallel applications (via batch queues where appropriate).


    Registration via the course website.

    The workshop will be held in Leibniz Rechenzentrum on the university campus outside Garching near Munich, approximately 25 min north from the city centre of Munich. The U-bahn line U6 (station: Garching-Forschungszentrum) provides direct connection from the campus area to both Munich and Garching.
    Getting to/from LRZ

    It is recommended to choose a hotel in Garching or Munich city centre and use the U-bahn to reach LRZ.
    Accommodation in Garching
    Accommodation in Munich


    Local Arrangements

    Volker Weinberg
    Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
    Email: education[at]

    Tuning Workshop Series

    Cédric Valensi
    Université de Versailles Paris Saclay
    Email: cedric.valensi[at]